Ana Francisca del Carmen
Ana was born in Santiago. She passed away in her home in California in 2006, at the age of 68. She completed her studies at the Sacred Heart School, which is part of a congregation of international sisters founded in Chile during the IX century. This congregation later received ecclesiastical authorization to start a school in the early 1900s. In those days, High Schools were optional, and elementary education focused on reading, writing, humanities, basic math, and science. The high school option was either focused on commerce and technical aspects or preparation for university education. Ana finished her schooling at the age of 15.
Ana’s youth was spent teaching herself to dance ballet and helping her mother with younger siblings at a time when neither televisions, microwaves, dishwashers nor the internet existed. Her long summers were spent at the beach in Con-Con and she fell in love young in her neighborhood, and when she turned 21, married Jorge Cristi by the Cardinal of Santiago on October 31. They had three sons, Jorge Andres, Carlos Alberto and Rodrigo Alejandro.
Ana and her husband traveled across Chile during the 1960s for business freedom activism. During this time, Ana learned how to drive and purchased her first family car - a red 1941 Ford. She also completed sewing and culinary school. In 1966, they purchased a black and white TV just in time to watch the World Cup. They later watched with their children the first moon landing in 1969. Ana's culinary skills became well-known, and her birthday parties for her children were always a hit. In the early 70s, they replaced the Ford with a Pegaut 504, which was assembled in Chile during the import substitution. Ana also purchased her first washing machine with a separate spin dryer. Her neighborhood became equipped to receive fixed telephone lines. Ana took pride in keeping her house clean and tidy. She made sure her children went to school with freshly shined shoes, ironed shirts, and combed and gelled hair.
In 1976 Ana migrates to California and she opens her doors to receive family that began to migrate to the United States. Her home became a gathering place for parties and celebrations, and her homemade dishes were enjoyed by many for over two decades. She invested in a few ventures, tries employment for the first time, and in 1986 she proudly began to study at night for her US Citizen test, which she passes in time for the 1988 presidential election. In late 1989 she was diagnosed with chronic renal failure caused by years of untreated high blood pressure, and in 1990 begins weekly dialysis in Los Angeles. Despite her health struggles, she remains joyful and with faith in St Rita and St Jude spreads love to her twelve grandchildren. Ana loved her new adoptive country and never forgot her roots. She visited her home country and family several times, traveled to Europe, and was a devoted fan of Telenovelas, Sabado Gigante, World Cup, telephone chats, and going to birthday parties and celebrations. She loved her morning instant Nescafe, doing puzzles, reading Vanidades, going to the hair salon, tending her garden, and treating herself to a weekly chacarero sandwich, preferably from the then Hollywood Rincon Chileno. She passed peacefully at her home on November 2006 caused by a weakened heart due to prolonged dialysis treatments.
Ana Francisca del Carmen nació en Santiago en septiembre 1938 y falleció en noviembre 2006 en Estados Unidos. Curso sus estudios primarios en el Colegio del Sagrado corazón de Apoquindo pertenecientes a las monjas inglesas. A los 20 años se casó un 31 de octubre con Jorge E Cristi Pizarro y tuvieron tres hijos, Jorge Andres, Carlos Alberto y Rodrigo Alejandro.
Ana era una mujer alegre y dedicada a su familia, con fe en Dios y admira su país natal y acogedor. Su juventud fue en el barrio de ñuñoa y los veranos en Concón. Se enamoró y casó joven. Recorre el largo de Chile junto con su marido en los 1960. Aprende a conducir en Santiago y terminó un curso de cocina, algo que después le sirvió mucho. Fue una gran admiradora del teléfono fijo, cuando obtiene la primera línea en su casa en Apoquindo a principios de 1970.
En 1976, emigra a California y abre las puertas de su hogar para recibir a sus familiares que emigran a Estados Unidos. Su hogar fue un lugar de encuentro y sus platos y postres caseros lo disfrutaron muchos. Invierte en un par de negocios y desempeña su primer trabajo fuera del hogar. En 1988 se enferma del riñón y comienza una larga etapa de diálisis 3 veces a la semana. A pesar de todo, sigue contenta con la fe de Santa Rita y San Judas, sus alegrías fueron su docena de nietos, y en noviembre 2006 fallece por insuficiencia cardiaca.